Sunday, January 29, 2006

Nikki Tate visits!

Nikki Tate is here for a week-long visit and writing retreat. We're having a fantastic time and the time is flying by way too quickly. Not only is Nikki working on her newest children's book (which you can read about here) and helping with a few Sono Nis projects, but she's teaching me how to make a quilt, which is something I've wanted to learn for many years. Nikki came prepared bringing two suitcases, a shoulder bag and a brief case which contained: her lap top, her own quilting material (for a quilt she's sewing by hand for our guest room), a huge stack of books for us to look at for her next project, a comfy robe, and lots of her own reading material (which she really doesn't need since the guest room is loaded with great books). Nikki's posted some pictures of her visit here on her own blog here. Maybe she'll end up staying longer than planned as there's a heavy showfall warning for tonight and her plane leaves in the morning. That would be more than okay with me!


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