Busy busy busy !!!
June was a hectic month around here, to say the least! Our fall catalogue and all of our spring books arrived within a week of each other. It was crazy!
Katherine and Quin Gordon were here for several weeks to work on their Slocan gardening book and also to promote Katherine's latest book: The Slocan: Portrait of a Valley. It arrived from the printers two weeks ago and has been selling like mad; we've sold over 1000 copies to date.
Jack Schofield's No Numbered Runways arrived a few days after Katherine's book and the phone has been ringing off the hook with orders for it. Jack has many interesting and entertaining fans: one asked "how the old fart was doing" and another sent an extra three cents with his order for Jack to autograph his book.
Nancy Turner's much anticipated and long awaited Plants of Haida Gwaii arrived next. It was delivered along with her husband, Bob Turner's highly acclaimed railway book, The Thunder of Their Passing (hardcover reprint).
Eleven pallets were delivered in all. It was nerve-wracking watching the delivery man unload the pallets from his truck. And then it happened: skid #4 fell off the back of the tailgate and crashed to the ground! Fortunately no one was hurt and amazingly, only a few books were damaged.
Happy Canada Day!