Friends Forever
Lori, a good friend from my high school days visited Jim and I this weekend. She brought along her fiancé Scott, that she also met in high school, and dated until he moved away when his RCMP father was transferred out of the province. A year and a half ago, their paths crossed again and their renewed friendship blossomed into romance - they're getting married next month! Lori and Scott were enroute to California with a U-Haul in tow as Scott is moving there to live with Lori, her children, and Lori's mom, who plays a huge roll in helping keep the busy household running smoothly.
At dinner, Scott told us about the first time he met Lori and I; we were having lunch with a group of our friends in the high school cafeteria and Scott and his best friend Dale decided to sit at our table. Our lively table suddenly became quiet, and then all of the girls started talking to each other in sign language. Not deterred by our rudeness, Scott and Dale stuck it out and became regulars at our table, and eventually friends with us all. It was wonderful to see Scottie after 30 years!!
Wishing Lori and Scott a long and happy marriage full of endless love, joy, and laughter!