Thursday, June 29, 2006


If you like reading facts like these:

A typical lightning bolt is two to four inches wide and two miles long.
Any month that starts on a Sunday will have a Friday the 13th in it.
Ten inches of snow equals one inch of rain in water content.
Each unit on the Richter Scale is equivalent to a power factor of about 32. So a 6 is 32 times more powerful than a 5!

then click here to read more.

Slightly out of it

When Jim was in Winnipeg last week, he and his sister Judy had an appointment at an office downtown, which Jim said was the most glamorous office he's ever been in. Judy's husband dropped them off at Portage and Main (Canada's most famous intersection) and when they were crossing the street, Jim looked down and cried out, "OH MY GOD!!" Judy looked down to see what Jim was looking at -- he was still wearing his slippers! Jim's wonderful sister thoughtfully said to him, "Don't worry, they'll just think you have something wrong with your feet and can't wear shoes." I guess that's what happens when your wife buys you comfy slippers and you're slightly out of it because your father just died.