Saturday, April 29, 2006

Off to Gabriola and Victoria

I'm off to Gabriola Island today to visit Katherine Gordon and then we're heading to Victoria tomorrow for her book launch at Cadboro Bay Books (4 - 6 pm). It's going to be a busy trip as I have meetings with Joan Larson (illustrator for Sylvia Olsen's, Yetsa's Sweater); Rosemary Neering (the Government House history book); dinner with Penny Chamberlain (Chasing the Moon); and Nikki Tate and I are visiting the Winspear Centre in Sidney to plan out our week long launch of Sylvia's Yetsa's Sweater and Penny's Chasing the Moon from September 29 - Oct 3. Stay tuned for more details about this fabulous launch!

As much as I'm looking forward to my visit to Victoria, it's very difficult to leave the garden now that it's finally starting to come into bloom

and Gus of course...

Slocan Valley

Last weekend Jim and I went to Winnipeg to visit his father. On our way home, I managed to get this picture of the south end of the Slocan Valley. Winlaw is 28 kilometers up the valley.