Mercury in our silver amalgam fillings
When Nikki Tate was visiting in February, we were having tea with my friend Edda when the conversation came around to Nikki's mom Helga, and the rare and terrible form of dementia she's suffering from. Edda mentioned that it's unknown what causes dementia; is it environmental, genetic, or caused by mercury used in silver amalgam fillings. Nikki and I both sat upright when Edda said this, as we both have silver amalgam fillings. Since there are so many health concerns about mercury, I started thinking it wasn't such a great idea to have it in my body, especially since some of my teeth with fillings have hairline fractures and the mercury must be leaking out. I called my family dentist to talk about my concerns but he didn't feel there was any cause for alarm; he said he could lose his licence if he removed silver-mercury amalgam fillings for health concerns. Unconvinced, I made an appointment with Edda's highly recommended holistic mercury-free dentist in Victoria. At my appointment, I was given an armload of reading material about the hazards of mercury from silver amalgam fillings and was muscle tested for heavy metal toxins. I tested very high, which is not surprising since I practically grew up in, and worked for a few years at my father's printing shop that used lead for typesetting, and the inks and solvents were toxic. My new dentist recommended that I immediately start on a heavy metal detox program which I have been on now for over three weeks, and this week I'm back to Victoria to get half of my silver amalgam fillings removed in the safest method possible. I've polled quite a few people and am amazed how many have had their silver-mercury fillings removed.