Letters from Africa
For just over a year I've been sponsoring a little girl in Africa through World Vision. Hameimida, who is nine years old now, lives in Mauritania, one of the poorest places in the world.
In a World Vision information brochure, they suggest sponsors, if they wish, can send their child small items such as bookmarks, postcards, or ribbons etc. I took it a step further and have sent books and pencil crayons, blank notebooks, scissors, rulers, pens, pencils, and lots of stickers that I get for a bargain on eBay. Mail theft is notorious in Africa but I think most of what I've sent has reached her. I write something like "used - 50 cent value" on the customs declaration forms because World Vision can't afford to pay duty on presents sent to children.
Hameimida's written me eight letters so far; they're written by a volunteer in Arabic, then translated into English. Here's a recent one:
Dear Jim & Diane
Your daughter and her family thank you and greet you. They thank you for the continuous correspondence. Your daughter tells you that she has got the book and the stickers that represents the majority of animals. She has got also a piece of tissue and she is happy with what you have sent her. She wishes you all the best and peace. She is looking forward to your quick answer. The weather now is cold due to winter time. She thanks her supervisor for the help in writing this letter to you.
Love, Hameimida
I think the tissue she's referring to might be a bunny rabbit towel that I wrapped her birthday present in. Hameimida is very generous and puts lots of the stickers I've given her on her letters to me.

I made this little bag for Hameimida: