Best-selling books this week
According to BC BookManager stats, these are our top-selling books in British Columbia bookstores this week:
1. The Slocan: Portrait of a Valley, Katherine Gordon
2. The Olden Days Locket, Penny Chamberlain
3. No Numbered Runways, Jack Schofield
4. The Girl With a Baby, Sylvia Olsen
5. No Time to Say Goodbye, Sylvia Olsen
6. The Secret Pony, Julie White
7. Plants of Haida Gwaii, Nancy Turner
8. Island Timber, Richard Mackie
9. Steam on the Kettle Valley, Robert D. Turner
10. Battle for Carnillo, Nikki Tate
11. Rebel of Dark Creek, Nikki Tate
The Slocan: Portrait of a Valley has been on the BC Bestseller list 18 times since it was published last June. We'll be reprinting it (and at least 10 other titles) in 2005.