A special visitor
Katherine Gordon, author of A Curious Life, The Slocan: Portrait of a Valley, and the soon-to-be-published, Made to Measure, A History of Land Surveying in British Columbia took time away from her busy writing schedule and visited us this week. While she was here, we hosted a potluck dinner and slide show for the gardeners who will be featured in her Slocan Valley gardening book so they could see some of the pictures taken of them and their gardens. Unfortunately, there was a mixup between the photographer Rod Currie and myself, and when I phoned to see why he wasn't here, he thought it was the following Sunday and had plans for the evening, so no slide show. What a disappointment! To add to my distress, everyone, except Edda and myself, brought dessert! So I threw together a tasty Mexican dish and fortunately the dinner turned out okay.
We're having a repeat dinner/slide show tomorrow night, without Katherine, since she's back at home and hard at work, and this time I'm ordering pizza from Fomi's, our excellent little bakery right here in Winlaw.
Katherine and Gus: